I never though I was going to write about the Royal wedding because I am not a wedding person at all but this was a special one. I loved Kate and Prince William balcony kisses along with ¨you look stunning, babe ¨ , the amazing Burton's dress, the ¨just married¨ getaway moment in Prince Charles's 1969 Aston Martin, and all this romantic scenes that I will never forget and I'd love to have on my wedding day.
Everyone was celebrating in the streets, there were hundreds of street parties going on and you could feel the romance and the love was in the air. I felt so patriotic even though I am from Spain, and had the best time while watching the wedding; making lemon cakes and pastries, gossiping with my friends about the dresses and the romantic scenes, and celebrating all night long at the best parties in the city.
Unforgettable moments that made me realise that romance isn't dead.

The following week I made this little fairy illustration. First ilustration I am with my sexy royal dog who is wearing stockings and same jumpsuit as me (copycat!). Second photo I am leaving this castle where the fairy little skulls salute me, and third illustration I am dancing in this amazing garden , with lots of flowers, insects and british buttlerflies.
All photos Rhino and graphics Patricia Nicolás