HOW TO : Look fabulous
Wear a sleep mask
If you're the ultimate diva you probably wear a sleep mask to bed because being
fabulous is the only way to go, and not even sleep can stop you!
We can’t help you to look your best while asleep, and we know a sleep mask really just does a bare minimum, (and that's ok because se all drool in our sleep) but we can do something about when you’re awake!
Wear this amazing African Tribal Sleep Mask necklace with a knit shirt top,
a suede skirt and a pair of rustic leather sandals.
You’ll look as comfortable and divine as when you’re wearing your sleep mask!
Como buena diva fashionista que eres, lo más seguro es que uses una máscara para dormir. Sabemos que te encanta estar fabulosa y ni el sueño te lo podrá impedir.No podemos ayudarte mientras duermes, pero lo que sí podemos ofrecerte es algo para que luzcas cuando estés despierta...Combina este increíble collar African Tribal Sleep Mask con un top de punto, una falda de ante y unas cuñas de cuero. ¡Estarás cómoda y divina tanto de noche como de día!

I am wearing a Knit Shirt from American Apparel ,
and a suede skirt from Zara,
and necklace from my new Cruise Collecion The Sleeping Masked beauty.
and a suede skirt from Zara,
and necklace from my new Cruise Collecion The Sleeping Masked beauty.