This collection is for every girl that has been hurt.
This collection is for every girl that has been left in the dark.
This collection is for every girl who has sworn never again.This collection is for the girl who laughs until tears start dropping down her face.This collection is for the girl who achieves her goals far beyond expectation when she just puts her mind to it.
This collection is for everyone.
But most importantly this collection is for, you.
Pink pearls stand for love, not heartbreak. The gold and metallic chains embody unity and independence, not restraint.

No matter how old or young, everyone has experienced heartache in one way or another. A close friend of me has recently been stood up at the altar on her wedding day. She was devastated for months, until she realized that no matter what, life had to go on.
The collection has been inspired by this incredible strength to get over anything.
Life is too short to be unhappy girls...