January 2011 has been such a difficult month so far, the grey cold weather has had such an effect on all of us i feel.
I wake up to these ''grey cloudy dawns'' and contemplate my day ahead.
Yesterday we went to the new Hakkasan in Mayfair and finished the evening off with cocktails at Annabels, the oldest and most prestigious private member's club in London. We played the drums and wore our jeans, not the usual attire or attitude for Annabels but what fun...hilarious!
I feel I could spend this weekend in bed , reading magazines, looking at blogs and watching a movie or two a day, and dreaming of a day when the sun will shine again and the grey skies will move away.
second photo - Dress- Urban Outfitters, Boots - Paul and Joe
I wake up to these ''grey cloudy dawns'' and contemplate my day ahead.
Yesterday we went to the new Hakkasan in Mayfair and finished the evening off with cocktails at Annabels, the oldest and most prestigious private member's club in London. We played the drums and wore our jeans, not the usual attire or attitude for Annabels but what fun...hilarious!
I feel I could spend this weekend in bed , reading magazines, looking at blogs and watching a movie or two a day, and dreaming of a day when the sun will shine again and the grey skies will move away.
second photo - Dress- Urban Outfitters, Boots - Paul and Joe

Enero 2011 está siendo muy duro en Londres. Todas las mañanas amanece nublado, y creo que este año esto me está afectando. Ayer fuimos al nuevo Hakkasan en Mayfair y terminamos la noche en Annabels, el más prestigioso y antiguo memeber's club en Londres. Tocamos la batería, hicimos fotos y nos dejaron entrar con jeans...no es una actitud muy usual teniendo en cuenta que es Annabels, pero definitivamente divertidísimo. Pero esta mañana ha vuelto a amanecer nublado...solo quiero pasar el finde semana en la cama leyendo revistas, mirando blogs, viendo una película al día o dos, también trabajaré en mi nueva colección de anillos y soñaré con cielos sin nubes y días soleados.
Vestido - Urban Outfitters, Boots - Paul and Joe.