Once again, it's the time to be jolly, wear cheesy snowman sweaters and casually get drunk on egg nog whilst listening to Bing Crosby.A well known fact is that nothing is more magical than christmas lights, and a warm beverage accompanied by your loved ones.
Nevertheless, christmas is also known for the pressures of family gatherings and the stress brought on by the cold that always takes us by storm and surprise every year. Therefore, we would like to make your life easier by helping you with your christmas shopping list, as Patricia is also helping Santa.
Surprise your mother, sister, best friend or an acquaintance with an original, handmade jewellery from the Elf mmm me . Here is a collection of the most festive pieces.
May you get pleasantly surprised under the mistletoe!
Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure? Because he was a little shellfish! Unlike this joke, this shrimp is very classy and can be worn to date night with your significant other, or friends! Combine it with a simple maxi dress and wedges for a captivating look. DETAILS: 18 carat gold.
The cause of this Yellow edition of Frida Kahlo, is to brighten up someones day, be it for christmas or a casual I-think-you're-great-and-I-want-to-make-you-happy thing. Combine it with your best friend, or someone who needs some cheering up, it'll bring out the colour and happy in them. Help us save the unhappy!
Trot around town as the most fashionable diva with this Foxtrot scarf. Combine it with your winter jacket (assuming its not multi-colored – but i guess that could work too) and a pair of moss green boots for a warm, and trendy look. Breaking into a foxtrot whilst wearing this beauty is expected, there is no need to feel embarrassed.
The Kiss and Leg earring creates a frankenstein like, eerie fascination. The jewellery can be worn with a thick coat and silk scarf. The earrings are perfect when going to grab a drink with your girlies. Only the risk takers come here, are you brave enough? DETAILS: Enamel and gold metal chain.
from all of us, to all of you