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| | | | French Connection has asked two top fashion bloggers
for their on-trend picks | | | |
Grazia UK. All shoes French Connection by Kurt Geiger this season.
A few weeks ago I received a call from the Marketing Director of French Connection and we talked about a possible collaboration for an article in Grazia Uk. His idea was this time choosing best top UK bloggers instead of just models for the shooting. I am a big fan of this brand so how would i reject this offer!.
We had to choose our favourite Kurt Geiger for French Connection shoes and I chose these from the Silvano collection that i wore with yellow cutesy socks.
I am also wearing a pretty print playsuit from this season's French Connection.
Don't you think they are so cute?
Don't you think they are so cute?

And my quote :
¨Shoes should be fun and sexy this season- and that means,
heels, bows, straps and jewel trims.
In other words, it's party time !

Y mi cita :
¨ Esta temporada los zapatos deben ser divertidos y sexys,
y eso significa, tacones, lazos, cintas y adornos de joyas.
En otras palabras, it's party time!

I also shared studio with models Silje Vallevik and Gwyneth Harrison from the amazing blog and we had so much fun. We gossiped about fashion and art and I found out Silje is not only an amazing model and blogger but a really talented artist.
And here you have some photos of the making of.

¿Buscais botas nuevas? ¿Os apetece unos zapatos de tacón ¨sexys¨?
Ya no tendréis que patearos la calle
hasta encontrar los zapatos perfectos.
- French Connection se ha puesto en contacto con dos de los
top bloggers en Uk,
y les ha pedido que los seleccione para vosotros.-
Grazia UK. All shoes French Connection by Kurt Geiger this season.
Hace unas semanas recibí una llamada del Director de Márketing de French Connection y hablamos de la posible colaboración para un artículo en Grazia Uk. Su idea era esta vez, elegir top bloggers de UK en vez de modelos para el shooting y que nos pusiéramos nuestros zapatos favoritos de la colección que Kurt Geiger ha diseñado para French Connection . Yo soy fan de esta marca y cómo iba a decir que no !. Elegí unas sandalias rojas de la colección Silvano con mini calcetines amarillos y un mono de French Connection de esta temporada.
¿No os parecen ¨super cutes¨?
Los podéis comprar aquí.
Además compartí estudio con las modelos Silje Vallevik y Gwyneth Harrison del blog Chateamos de moda y de arte, y me enteré que Silje, además de modelo y blogger pinta unos cuadros increíbles.
Ya podéis chequear mi nuevo post en Buy now, wear forever.