To Buy or Not to Buy a Motorcycle
and Maya Hansen
“I’m on a hiiiiiiighway to heeeeell” plays softly in the background in the office, or as softly as one can play ACDC...This is to get in the mood for my NEW COLLABORATION for MERCEDES BENZ MADRID FASHION WEEK with Maya Hansen! It’s an exciting time to be alive (which is why “stairway to heaven” is not on), when you don’t need to sit behind a fat man with whisker facial hair, a bandana and a leather vest who probably remembers the creation of Stonehenge, to get on a motorbike, and that’s because you can drive it yourself!
If this is what you’re into, the collaboration with Maya Hansen is going to blow your mind! Now you can look like Beyonce on that bike of yours, fierce, strong and stylish...